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Franciscans join all Catholic actors in the premiere of “The Letter” at COP27

Franciscans join all Catholic actors in the premiere of “The Letter” at COP27

The first COP 27 screening of the Letter was presented by the Laudato Si Movement, the Vatican delegation, and the Senegalese government on November 10, 2022. It took place at COP27’s Blue Zone in the Government of Senegal Pavilion. Before the film was shown, Archbishop Nicolas Henry Marie Denis Thévenin, the Apostolic Nuncio to the Arab Republic of Egypt, had a roundtable conversation with Fra. Angel Cortez, OFM, the representative of the Franciscan Delegation, and with other representatives of Catholic organizations.

Minister General’s letter for the Sixth World Day of the Poor

Minister General’s letter for the Sixth World Day of the Poor

“Like last year, I ask each one, at least with another brother or more than one, to make a gesture of minority, of entrustment to Providence, of service and sharing with the poor. This will be the best preparation for the Centenary of the Rule and Christmas at Greccio”. This is what we read in the Letter of the Minister General Br Massimo Fusarelli on the occasion of the VI World Day of the Poor, which is celebrated this year on 13 November.

Franciscans COP27

Franciscans COP27

The Franciscan Delegation, represented by Friar Angelito Andig Cortez, OFM, from the Province of San Pedro Bautista in the Philippines, a member of the OFMJPIC Animation Commission and an active partner of Franciscan International, participated in the annual Talanoa Dialogue at the beginning of COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from November 5 to 18, 2022.