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Franciscan Christmas Mission in Colombia

Franciscan Christmas Mission in Colombia

Between the 10th and 27th of December, 2023, six friars and a Franciscan sister spent the Christmas season with some communities in the Municipality of Puerto Leguizamo. During this Christmas apostolate led by the “Laudato Si” Movement, 150 indigenous, farmers and Afro people participated in various religious activities and shared their ancestral wisdom. This mission is one of the activities that seeks to consolidate the Ministries of the “Common Home” in the Colombian Amazon and to safeguard the culture of the inhabitants of the forest.

Meeting of the Animation Offices of Spain and Portugal (CONFRES)

Meeting of the Animation Offices of Spain and Portugal (CONFRES)

From December 4 to 5, 2023, in the fraternity of Montariol, situated in the city of Braga, Portugal, a meeting of the offices of animation from the four Provinces that make up the (CONFRES) Conference took place. It was organized by the Secretary General for Missions & Evangelization, the Secretary General for Formation & Studies, and the animators of the JPIC offices, in collaboration with the President of the Conference of Spain and Portugal, Br. Joaquín Zurera, and the responsible Definitor General, Br. Cesare Vaiani.

1st Conference Missions and Evangelization – Formation and Studies – JPIC of COMPI

1st Conference Missions and Evangelization – Formation and Studies – JPIC of COMPI

From November 20 to 23, the first conference of friars (brothers) responsible for Missions and Evangelization, Formation and Studies, and Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation of the Conference of Ministers Province of Italy and Albania (COMPI) was held at Sacrofano (Rome). More than 80 friars participated, to which were joined the Provincial Ministers responsible for the various sectors.

Kigali-Rwanda: Friars initiate programs in favour of Mother Earth

Kigali-Rwanda: Friars initiate programs in favour of Mother Earth

A tree planting campaign was organized by Br. Jean Eric Mutabazi, OFM the JPIC Provincial Director for the Province of St. Francis in Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius in collaboration with Laudato’si animators of the institute of Franciscan Brothers Disciples of the Glorious Cross as well as Gikondo parish in which the Franciscan Brothers Disciples of the Glorious Cross exercise their ministry.

JPIC OFM General Office Hosted Laudate Deum Webinar

JPIC OFM General Office Hosted Laudate Deum Webinar

On Saturday, November 18, 2023, a webinar on Pope Francis’ the Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum was organized by the JPIC OFM General Office and drew participants from all over the world. This webinar was translated into three languages: English, Italian and Spanish. The moderator was Br. Daniel Rodríguez Blanco OFM, director of the General Office of the JPIC OFM.

Letter From the General Minister for the VII World Day of the Poor. XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time -19th November, 2023

Letter From the General Minister for the VII World Day of the Poor. XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time -19th November, 2023

To all the Brothers of the Order of Friars Minor Dear Brothers,
Assisi, 4th October 2023

May the Lord give you His peace!

The World Day of the Poor is again before us, the seventh so desired by Pope Francis and I would like to bring to our attention the Message that the Pope wrote for the occasion on the 13th June on the feast of Saint Anthony of Padua, brother and friend of the poor. The invitation is to read it personally and in fraternity, with our lay people and collaborators, «to discover ever anew the heart of the Gospel».

Parish Ministry and Helping Migrants

Parish Ministry and Helping Migrants

A short visit to Custody of St. Anthony of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei, from 22-25 October 2023, was done by Br. Taucen, OFM on behalf of JPIC OFM in Rome. The aims were to share with the friars regarding JPIC’s activities and matters, to listen to their experiences due to the JPIC animation plan, and to look forward on ongoing formation program for JPIC animators.