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The Franciscan Spirit of Spreading Hope to Others

The Franciscan Spirit of Spreading Hope to Others

The pandemic of COVID-19 is not end yet. The damaged is already huge and disaster. Many people lost their loved ones, plenty people in the hospital, huge number of people losing their job and countless people searching for food from generous people

Fr. Juan Rendón: Spirituality of the Crib

Fr. Juan Rendón: Spirituality of the Crib

That Jesus whom Francis wished to see with his own eyes on Christmas night 1223 in the little remote town of Greccio. The Jesus of the First Admonition who is made flesh in Bethlehem and becomes bread on the altar through the hands of the priest.

Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day

We are blessed and privilege that as a Franciscan family we have a voice in the United Nation through the Franciscans International. The core business of Franciscans International is human rights advocacy.

As members of a “Cosmic Fraternity”, all creatures share the same dignity and vocation given by God

As members of a “Cosmic Fraternity”, all creatures share the same dignity and vocation given by God


“Praised be You, my Lord, who with all Your creatures,
especially Sir Brother Sun…, through Sister Moon and the stars…
Praised be You, my Lord, through Brother Wind,…Sister Water,…Brother Fire,…
Sister Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us…
Praised be you, my Lord, through those who give pardon for Your love,
and bear infirmity and tribulations.”

The Word was made flesh

The Word was made flesh

We wish Merry Christmas to all of you! We hope each of you rejoice in Peace, which is the fruit of Justice. We want to thank you all who are pursuing and promoting the values of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, especially, those who are working for migrants and refugees in the world. We all are pilgrims and strangers in this world!

Participation in COP25, Madrid

Participation in COP25, Madrid

The UN Climate Conference (Cop25) that began on Dec. 2 ended on Dec. 15, which was two days longer than its original schedule. The JPIC Commission of the Holy Korean Martyrs Province of Korea has participated along with its ally NGOs.

Climate Pilgrimage to Myanmar

Climate Pilgrimage to Myanmar

It was the first climate pilgrimage prepared by the OFM JPIC Commission of the Korean Province, Green Asia, and ICE-Network since last year. The global climate crisis is already happening in the world. It’s evident when we look at wildfires in forests and droughts. And the poor and the vulnerable are crying out for immediate action for justice. However, there is no consensus in Korea on the issue. The Korean governments and the people are either ignorant or neglecting this global problem. People are struggling to survive in a fierce competition to acquire more economic prosperity rather than to feel the responsibility for the disasters, even though they are responsible for massive carbon emission and the climate crisis.

“Chile’s waken up.” … “We are not at war.”

“Chile’s waken up.” … “We are not at war.”

“Chile’s waken up” is an anthem we have sung in the demonstrations. We sing it to tell the government, the politicians, the businessmen and all those who have allowed social inequalities that enough is enough. The social awakening is happening in various forms of demonstration, both peaceful and violent, and protests on the street and in the different churches and spiritual traditions on the days of reflection and prayer (although they are not visible by the mass media). “Chile’s waken up” is an expression of each and every citizen in the country, calling for a structural, profound transformation that would allow us to overcome injustices. But it is also no less true that if we want to ask for changes in the economic model, we must also do so in our lifestyle which is shaped by that same model, lacking fundamental human values ​​such as equality, justice and equity. We should bring changes in a competitive, selfish, individualistic and consumerist lifestyle, changes to a collaborative lifestyle of solidarity. This movement means waking up to get out of oneself by opening to a more fraternal (serving each other) social coexistence.