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Croatia: South Slavic Conference. Meeting of Secretaries for Formation and Studies, Missions and Evangelisation and JPIC Animators

Croatia: South Slavic Conference. Meeting of Secretaries for Formation and Studies, Missions and Evangelisation and JPIC Animators

From 26-28 April 2023, in the Friary of St Mary of the Angels on the island of Visovac in Croatia, the Secretary General for Missions and Evangelisation, the Secretary General for Formation and Studies and the General Office for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, in collaboration with the President of the Conference, Br Marko Mrše, and in the presence of the General Definitor responsible for this Conference, Br Konrad Cholewa, organised the meeting of all the respective offices of the Provinces of this Conference.

Croatia: Meeting with the South Slavic Conference concluded

Croatia: Meeting with the South Slavic Conference concluded

The three-day meeting (26-28 April 2023) of the Order’s animation Offices – Secretary General for Formation and Studies, Secretariat for Missions and Evangelisation and Justice Peace and Integration of Creation – with their counterparts from the South Slavic Conference concluded with an educational trip to Krka National Park, Visovac Island in Croatia, in the presence of the President of the South Slavic Conference, Br Marko Mrše and the Definitor General, Br Konrad Cholewa.

The Office of JPIC FRANCISCAN PAPUA involves defending Human Rights of Papuans in Indonesia

The Office of JPIC FRANCISCAN PAPUA involves defending Human Rights of Papuans in Indonesia

The Second Special Autonomy and the New Autonomous Region (DOB) were enacted by Indonesian government as new policy for West Papua, Indonesia, throughout 2022. These were drawn attention from other parties because that policy created more divisions in the middle of pro and contra, including how to establish where will be the administrative capital city.