+39 06 684919 pax@ofm.org
Human Rights and Ecocide in Venezuela

Human Rights and Ecocide in Venezuela

The tragedy of Venezuela happens at all levels: social, cultural, political and economic. However, in the face of so much human pain, we choose to focus on various action alerts. We decry the ecological destruction and its impacts on our suffering people. We deplore a decline in the public services, the high cost of economic activities, and poor public administration. Besides the corruption in the regions, the rural populations living far from the capital are the most affected. Unlike the outside areas, the city of Caracas enjoys the nearly uninterrupted public services. Over the years, numerous official grievances have been made by the environmental groups, indigenous communities and other entities about the excessive growth of illegal mining in the Amazon.

Br. Joseph Nangle: “Catholics’ Collaboration with Trump is Scandalous”

Br. Joseph Nangle: “Catholics’ Collaboration with Trump is Scandalous”

Br. Joseph Nangle belongs to the Order of Friars Minor (OFM) and has served as a missionary in Bolivia for over 15 years, was another 12 years the co-director of Franciscan Mission Service and last Thursday he was arrested, along with 70 other Catholics, for protesting against the immigration policy of the government of Donald Trump. Brother Joseph was kind enough to answer some questions for pazybien.es and highlights the serious situation in which migrants live due to current measures in place by the US administration

The Devastating Effect of the Militarization of the Border in Tabasco, Mexico.

The Devastating Effect of the Militarization of the Border in Tabasco, Mexico.

On May 27, days before Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard traveled to Washington to begin negotiations with the United States regarding the tariff threat, the Assistant Secretary for Border Affairs, Migrants and Human Rights of Tabasco, José Ramiro López Obrador, announced the deployment of 100 agents of Federal Police and 100 troops of the SEDENA (Secretariat for National Defense) in Tenosique to “reinforce the tasks of the National Migration Institute.” The Federal Police had already been operating for 17 days in Tenosique at the time of the announcement.

The Amazon Project: “A Church with Both an Amazonian and Native Face”

The Amazon Project: “A Church with Both an Amazonian and Native Face”

The Synod for the Amazons is a reflection on these problems that currently represent the life of the Church. There have been many meetings around these themes, hopefully producing more than just documents that diagnose this region. This Synod is provoking new paths, new models of evangelization for facing the challenges of mission, especially in the Amazon region.

The 30th Anniversary celebration of Franciscans International

The 30th Anniversary celebration of Franciscans International

Warm Franciscan greetings to all! It is our pleasure to write to you during the 30th Anniversary celebration of Franciscans International (FI).
As you know, FI is the only common ministry project of the Franciscan Family. It was created thirty years ago from the grassroots up, based on the vision of various sisters and brothers who were inspired by a dream of sharing our Franciscan message and values at a global level through the structures of the United Nations (UN). In the last three decades FI has undergone various changes, but it has continued its commitment to serve peace, the poor and the planet.

The Works of Mercy and Human Rights

The Works of Mercy and Human Rights

It is with great pleasure that I share with you, on behalf of Franciscans International, a short reflection on “The Works of Mercy and Human Rights” based on the “Mandala” of Saint Nicolas de Flue. May this text provide a source of spiritual nourishment for you and your community on your Lenten journey!