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Franciscan resource for the fourth World Day of The Poor

Franciscan resource for the fourth World Day of The Poor

The Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation in collaboration with the JPIC-Media teams offer this resource to deepen on the World Day of the Poor in four approaches: from Integral Ecology, from a contemplation of the reality, from a discernment from the brotherhood and from a commitment of being a samaritan.

March 22 – World Water Day

March 22 – World Water Day

In the time of the pandemic, we remember the importance of washing our hands for public health. But we know that there are more than 2.2 billion people who don’t have access to clean water. They are denied from water, the gift of God, that is the fundamental right of humanity.

Conference for Human Rights in West Papua

Conference for Human Rights in West Papua

West Papua Network in Rome is a network of the religious congregations which are present in West Papua. There, the native Papuans have been suffering from serious human rights violations since the end of the Second World War. The Catholic church has been accompanying the indigenous people mainly through the parish, education, and health care ministries.

Seminar on West Papua in Rome

Seminar on West Papua in Rome

On 2 October, West Papua Network in Rome organized the seminar “West Papua, a Neglected Heaven – Justice and Human Rights based on the Gospel value” at Augustinianum in Rome to address the issue of human rights violation of indigenous West Papuan people.

India: Solidarity walk – for the cause of migrants

India: Solidarity walk – for the cause of migrants

Almost more than half a million migrant workers, who live in and around the city of Chennai, are unskilled workers. Migrants who come to the city of Chennai are typically at the receiving end of misplaced bias, such as loud, sexually open, dirty and so on. In workplaces, migrant labor is often deprived of the most necessary and essential of amenities such as a clean toilet, drinking water, and a place to rest. It is perhaps not news that migrants are taken for granted and the accounts show that there is a long way to go before migration with dignity is achieved.