+39 06 684919 pax@ofm.org
First face-to-face meeting of the JPIC Commission of the Conference of Brazil – Southern Cone

First face-to-face meeting of the JPIC Commission of the Conference of Brazil – Southern Cone

The JPIC animators of the Conference of Brazil-Southern Cone met from September 12 to 15 in the city of Córdoba, Argentina, Franciscan Province of Asunción, with the objective of discussing the new organization of the conference, based on the services developed in each entity, preserving the particularity of each region and, finally, the construction of the Special Statutes (SS) of this new organization.

Minister General’s letter for the Sixth World Day of the Poor

Minister General’s letter for the Sixth World Day of the Poor

“Like last year, I ask each one, at least with another brother or more than one, to make a gesture of minority, of entrustment to Providence, of service and sharing with the poor. This will be the best preparation for the Centenary of the Rule and Christmas at Greccio”. This is what we read in the Letter of the Minister General Br Massimo Fusarelli on the occasion of the VI World Day of the Poor, which is celebrated this year on 13 November.

Panama: The New Franciscan Network for Migrants Group

Panama: The New Franciscan Network for Migrants Group

A new team at the service of migrants in Panama: the group of volunteers joining the Franciscan Network for Migrants was born last April and has just received its first visit from the Order’s General Office for Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation. Br Jaime Campos, outgoing general animator of JPIC

Migration crisis and mining, challenges for JPIC in Central America

Migration crisis and mining, challenges for JPIC in Central America

Br Jaime Campos, OFM and Br Daniel Rodríguez, OFM, visited the Franciscan Province of “Our Lady of Guadalupe” of Central America, Panama and Haiti from June 5 to 24, in the context of the change of the Director of the General Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC). Their goal was to encourage and promote the initiatives and projects in the field of JPIC that the entity is carrying out.

First JPIC workshop for lay teams in El Salvador

First JPIC workshop for lay teams in El Salvador

We are celebrating Laudato Si’ week in communion with Pope Francis from 22 to 29 May. The Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation of El Salvador received more than 40 pastoral workers from the different Franciscan presences in the region to begin the first of three JPIC workshops, focused on the Social Doctrine of the Church from the perspective of Franciscan spirituality.

The Bolivian JPIC Movement “on the move”

The Bolivian JPIC Movement “on the move”

The Franciscan Justice and Peace Movement announces the activities carried out in all the departments of Bolivia where it is present. In addition, they inform us of the activities coordinated by the National Commission.