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St. Francis patron of ecologists: fortieth anniversary celebration

St. Francis patron of ecologists: fortieth anniversary celebration

In celebrating the 40th anniversary of St. Francis, patron of ecologists, the JPIC Office of the Order wanted to commemorate this date in a symbolic place for Franciscan spirituality: St. Damian’s Church in Assisi. In this small church on the outskirts of Assisi, St. Francis confronts his vocation with Christ and begins to do penance. In this same place, two years before his death, he composes the Canticle of Creatures where he synthesizes his strong human commitment to all creation to praise God.

Climate Pilgrimage to Myanmar

Climate Pilgrimage to Myanmar

It was the first climate pilgrimage prepared by the OFM JPIC Commission of the Korean Province, Green Asia, and ICE-Network since last year. The global climate crisis is already happening in the world. It’s evident when we look at wildfires in forests and droughts. And the poor and the vulnerable are crying out for immediate action for justice. However, there is no consensus in Korea on the issue. The Korean governments and the people are either ignorant or neglecting this global problem. People are struggling to survive in a fierce competition to acquire more economic prosperity rather than to feel the responsibility for the disasters, even though they are responsible for massive carbon emission and the climate crisis.

Voices from the Amazon: its land, peoples, and religions

Voices from the Amazon: its land, peoples, and religions

The Order (through its JPIC Office), together with the Pontifical University Antonianum, The World Catholic Movement for Climate (WCMC), and the Ecclesial Network “Red Eclesial Panamazonica” (REAPAM), put together a seminar of reflection and listening. The intention is to contribute to the synodal process, by raising the various issues that affect the entire Amazon region.

The Feast of St. Francis in the Vatican Gardens

The Feast of St. Francis in the Vatican Gardens

Pope Francis will host a celebration in the Vatican Gardens during which an oak tree from Assisi will be planted, as a visible sign of integral ecology. The event will see the participation of indigenous leaders and Church leaders, sending a powerful message to the world about the Church’s commitment to the care of our common home.

The Amazon: our Common Home

The Amazon: our Common Home

Please join us for “The Amazon: our Common Home”, a compelling event series that brings the Amazon to Rome for the bishops’ synod on the Amazon. Across eight countries with approximately 400 indigenous communities and millions of people, the Amazon is a place where the Creator’s glory is revealed.

India: “Save water and land”

India: “Save water and land”

A cycle rally was organised by the friars in Chennai, South India on the 7thof July for the cause of water and land, and around 250 children and youth had participated in this event. They covered up around 20 km of distance in and around Madhavaram, Chennai and the neighbouring area holding posters with slogans “Save water and it will save you later; No water no life; Water is life, Treat it Right; Reuse the Past, Recycle the present, Reduce pollution in the future…”

Ecological life in Mozambique: Let’s Protect Our Common Home!

Ecological life in Mozambique: Let’s Protect Our Common Home!

On the occasion of World Environment Day, June 5, the friars participated in some activities to mark the day. In the formation house in Chimoio City, the friars and the students participated in an environmental campaign to plant trees. The ceremony was held in one of the primary schools around the city.

Ecological Experience in Umbria

Ecological Experience in Umbria

In conclusion to this wonderful experience of friendship and dialogue, I must say, first of all, that I have witnessed what Laudato si’tells us about our faith and science, i.e. we should also relate our faith with science. Secondly, Carceri and Sacro Bosco are a part of our rich Franciscan heritages. St. Francis and his followers were very much in communion with nature and made it home of encounter with God. For us Franciscans, we can develop here a project of Franciscan ecological spirituality and ministry. We can utilize the sacred sites in nature for our formation in Franciscan ecological spirituality and for visitors and pilgrims as well. With the various species of plants, trees, shrubs, and herbs, rock formations, landscapes, and the whole ecosystem, it will be a venue for scientific studies and its integration with our faith, awe, and spiritual aesthetics.