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March 22 – World Water Day

March 22 – World Water Day

In the time of the pandemic, we remember the importance of washing our hands for public health. But we know that there are more than 2.2 billion people who don’t have access to clean water. They are denied from water, the gift of God, that is the fundamental right of humanity.

A Laudato si’ “Revolution”

A Laudato si’ “Revolution”

The third meeting of Serata Laudato si’ took place together with the seventh celebration of the Franciscan Youth Missions in the city of Xaxim. It was promoted by the Franciscan Province of the Immaculate Conception of Brazil, bringing 800 young people together for five days to reflect on the care of our Common Home (from 29th January to 2nd February 2020).

Franciscan Mediterranean Network

Franciscan Mediterranean Network

It took place in a very fraternal atmosphere. It was essential to specify the objectives and decisions made at the meeting in Malta on September 6 – 8, 2019, which was the meeting of the Secretaries of Evangelization and the JPIC animators that came from almost every Entities around the Mediterranean sea to reflect on the possibility of creating this significant Network.

Serata Laudato si’, Brazil 2020

Serata Laudato si’, Brazil 2020

More than 700 young people from all over the Province (from Santa Catarina to Espírito Santo) will experience great excitement in this evangelising, formative celebration. Numerous workshops will deal with themes related to the service of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC). The goal is that they may be characterised by issues of ecology, justice, migration, respect for nature, good living and simplicity. These values are particular to the Franciscan charism and so urgent and necessary for our times.

Franciscan Activities for Climate in Chile

Franciscan Activities for Climate in Chile

The objectives of the activities were formation & conscientization on climate crisis for local Franciscans and others, taking acts of solidarity for climate justice, a projection for future action and celebration of the spirit of Laudato si’.