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JPIC, Franciscans International and the United Nations in an effort to realize a more just, fraternal and reconciliatory world

JPIC, Franciscans International and the United Nations in an effort to realize a more just, fraternal and reconciliatory world

From 26-29 June 2023, Br. Taucen Girsang and Br. Daniel Rodriguez Blanco from JPIC Office in Rome were in Geneva to participate in different sessions of the 53rd General Assembly of the United Nations (UN).

Pope Francis, Nonviolence, and the Fullness of Pace in Terris: A Conference in Rome, December 5-7, 2022

Pope Francis, Nonviolence, and the Fullness of Pace in Terris: A Conference in Rome, December 5-7, 2022

Catholic Church leaders and local change makers from nearly 30 countries gathered in Rome, Italy December 5-7, 2022, to reflect on Pope Francis’ relentless work for nonviolent change throughout his ten-year papacy; to share their own experience of nonviolent change in the face of acute violence and injustice; and to explore next steps in advancing the spirituality, way of life, strategies, and universal ethic of nonviolence in the Church and the world.