+39 06 684919 pax@ofm.org
24M: Climate March and Laudato si’

24M: Climate March and Laudato si’

Greta has become the symbol of the struggle of youth that claims intergenerational responsibility and a minimum of consciousness for future generations. Pope Francis has put some open questions about our current lifestyle 4 years ago. “What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up? This question not only concerns the environment in isolation; the issue cannot be approached piecemeal. When we ask ourselves what kind of world we want to leave behind, we think in the first place of its general direction, its meaning and its values.” (LS n.160)

On the Occasion of the Jubilee of Franciscans International

On the Occasion of the Jubilee of Franciscans International

In 1982, Br. Dionysius Mintoff, OFM, of Malta, and Sister Elisabeth Cameron, OSF, of USA, wrote to the Franciscan family in the United States about the possibility of a Franciscan presence at the United Nations. It ledto a joint project of the Franciscan Family, which resulted in the creation of the Franciscan Non-Governmental Organization, Franciscans International, for cooperation with the United Nations. Its vision statement identified three main goals: to be aware of the interconnectedness of the entire creation and thus of the commitment to the environment, the commitment to peace and the poor. Later, a conference of the Franciscan Family has been organized in our General Curia, set up by our Office of Justice and Peace, to spread the idea within the Franciscan Family. This is how “Franciscans International,” which was formerly a grassroots organization of Franciscans with a small office in New York, has begun. Later, the Conference of the Franciscan Family (CFF) assumed the patronage as the official organ of the six General Ministers, those of the three First Orders, TOR, the Franciscan sisters and OFS. Franciscans International seeks to bring spiritual, ethical and Franciscan values to the United Nations and other international organizations.

The 30th Anniversary celebration of Franciscans International

The 30th Anniversary celebration of Franciscans International

Warm Franciscan greetings to all! It is our pleasure to write to you during the 30th Anniversary celebration of Franciscans International (FI).
As you know, FI is the only common ministry project of the Franciscan Family. It was created thirty years ago from the grassroots up, based on the vision of various sisters and brothers who were inspired by a dream of sharing our Franciscan message and values at a global level through the structures of the United Nations (UN). In the last three decades FI has undergone various changes, but it has continued its commitment to serve peace, the poor and the planet.

Pope Francis welcomes the Franciscan Mission Center (MZF) in Rome

Pope Francis welcomes the Franciscan Mission Center (MZF) in Rome

“It is beautiful,” said the Pope to his guests of MZF, “how you, as a community of religious brothers and committed laities, address all people of good will in the world to motivate them to help the poor, the needy and the marginalized to a better future.”

On Saturday, April 6, 2019, the Pope has met the staffs of the MZF on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the relief organization. More than twenty staffs of the MZF General Office, together with its first director of many years, Fr. Andreas Müller, and the current president, Fr. Matthias Maier, participated in the audience of the Pope.



This year, with the theme that concerns us, the Culture of Encounter, we want to take up the words of Pope Francis in front of the presidential palace at the opening of his visit to Colombia in September 2017.

Pope Francis receives photos with the names of 270 people killed in Brumadinho, Brazil

Pope Francis receives photos with the names of 270 people killed in Brumadinho, Brazil

On May 3, Pope Francis has received the photos with the names of the 270 people killed, the crime of the Vale from Dari Pereira, survivor of the crime of the Vale in Brumadinho and Fr. Rodrigo Peret, OFM of Churches and Mining Network and Mining Working Group of the CNBB.

The Pope was deeply moved for the victims, blessed the photos and expressed his solidarity to the families who lost their loved ones and all those affected. Immediately the Pope remained in front of the photos in a gesture of affection, respect and solidarity. On May 18, a representative of the Pope, Monsignor Duffé, will be visiting Brumadinho and getting to know the reality and the struggle of those affected.



Samir became an accountant and married Houda Kalala who was a French Teacher at Kilikia Armenian High School. They lived happily in Aleppo with their 4 beautiful children. Tragedy struck on Good Friday (12thApril 2014) with the bombing of their city in the Syrian Civil War. Many lifelong friends and family died on that fateful day. Miraculously, the family managed to escape to another Syrian city and later fled to Lebanon where they applied and were granted a visa to Australia.

MZF Symposium on Mission and Development

MZF Symposium on Mission and Development

On March 27 – 29, 2019, a symposium on mission and development was held by Missionszentrale der Franziskanerin Bonn. On the auspicious occasion of its golden jubilee this year, MZF organized this three-day-seminar with the theme, “Do not ask how to convert the...
The Works of Mercy and Human Rights

The Works of Mercy and Human Rights

It is with great pleasure that I share with you, on behalf of Franciscans International, a short reflection on “The Works of Mercy and Human Rights” based on the “Mandala” of Saint Nicolas de Flue. May this text provide a source of spiritual nourishment for you and your community on your Lenten journey!