+39 06 684919 pax@ofm.org
India: “Save water and land”

India: “Save water and land”

A cycle rally was organised by the friars in Chennai, South India on the 7thof July for the cause of water and land, and around 250 children and youth had participated in this event. They covered up around 20 km of distance in and around Madhavaram, Chennai and the neighbouring area holding posters with slogans “Save water and it will save you later; No water no life; Water is life, Treat it Right; Reuse the Past, Recycle the present, Reduce pollution in the future…”

Human Rights and Ecocide in Venezuela

Human Rights and Ecocide in Venezuela

The tragedy of Venezuela happens at all levels: social, cultural, political and economic. However, in the face of so much human pain, we choose to focus on various action alerts. We decry the ecological destruction and its impacts on our suffering people. We deplore a decline in the public services, the high cost of economic activities, and poor public administration. Besides the corruption in the regions, the rural populations living far from the capital are the most affected. Unlike the outside areas, the city of Caracas enjoys the nearly uninterrupted public services. Over the years, numerous official grievances have been made by the environmental groups, indigenous communities and other entities about the excessive growth of illegal mining in the Amazon.

Br. Joseph Nangle: “Catholics’ Collaboration with Trump is Scandalous”

Br. Joseph Nangle: “Catholics’ Collaboration with Trump is Scandalous”

Br. Joseph Nangle belongs to the Order of Friars Minor (OFM) and has served as a missionary in Bolivia for over 15 years, was another 12 years the co-director of Franciscan Mission Service and last Thursday he was arrested, along with 70 other Catholics, for protesting against the immigration policy of the government of Donald Trump. Brother Joseph was kind enough to answer some questions for pazybien.es and highlights the serious situation in which migrants live due to current measures in place by the US administration

Franciscans in Chile take part in  “Interreligious and Spiritual Alliance for Climate Agreement”

Franciscans in Chile take part in “Interreligious and Spiritual Alliance for Climate Agreement”

The objective of this Alliance, as expressed in the agreement, is to promote a systemic, cultural and spiritual change that should be translated into economic and political transformations in the face of the current climate crisis. By doing so, the adherent 21 organizations have expressed their willingness to put themselves at the service of the community and facilitate links that can generate public-political influence from their respective identities.

Lima, extraordinary meeting of JPIC in the Provincia XII Apóstoles

Lima, extraordinary meeting of JPIC in the Provincia XII Apóstoles

On the first day of the Meeting, the JPIC projects of both schools that belong to the Franciscan Province of the XII Apostles in Perú were exhibited. It should be noted that JPIC values ​​have been presented transversally within the educational institutes. The creation of JPIC Commissions in each school has allowed the development of valuable programs that are aimed at the students and their families for the care of creation.

Toward COP25, Santiago – Franciscan participation

Toward COP25, Santiago – Franciscan participation

And that’s why António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, has called for the UN 2019 Climate Summit on September 21 – 23 in New York with the theme, ‘A Race We Can Win. A Race We Must Win.’ The Church also resonates to this call. The Pope, too, declared a global “climate emergency.” He said that a failure to act urgently to reduce greenhouse gases would be “a brutal act of injustice toward the poor and future generations.”

JPIC National Assembly in Bolivia

JPIC National Assembly in Bolivia

The 35th National Assembly of the Franciscan Movement of Justice and Peace was held at San José de Tarata Convent, near the city of Cochabamba. The Meeting brought together 52 people from the JPIC departments of La Paz, Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro, Trinidad, Potosí and Tarija. The theme of the Meeting was “Faith and Politics,” given the upcoming presidential elections that will take place in Bolivia this October.

Francis and Damietta

Francis and Damietta

When the episode in the life of Francis related to his encounter with the Crucifix of San Damiano, and the task with which he was entrusted, “Go and rebuild my house which is falling into ruins”, is raised, almost always if not always, there is a reference made to the fact that the Church of that time, at least in respect of the temporal power it wielded, lived in luxury and was certainly not an example of integrity and in keeping with the Word which it was announcing.

Contact Newsletter: April-June, 2019

Contact Newsletter: April-June, 2019

We leave at your disposal the recent edition of JPIC Newsletter “CONTACT” (April – June 2019) The “CONTACT” is an open space where you can share stories and information on your JPIC ministry. You can send your stories to pax@ofm.org  The next...