+39 06 684919 pax@ofm.org
March for the Climate Why go out to march?

March for the Climate Why go out to march?

In the past few months, we have seen the planet earth burning with numerous wildfires in different parts of the world, exacerbating the climatic emergency that we live today.

Pope Francis, in the encyclical Laudato si’, invites the entire human race to hear the cries of the poor since they are the most affected by the climate crisis.

Voices from the Amazon: Land, People, and Religion

Voices from the Amazon: Land, People, and Religion

A conference on “Voices from the Amazon: Land, People, and Religion” will spark deep conversations and ideas on 5 October, one day before the synod begins.

The conference will include Mons. Hector Cabrejos, OFM, President of the Episcopal Conference of Latin America, Br.Michael Perry, General Minister of the Order of Friars Minor, Patricia Gualinga, Sarayaku Leader, Ecuador, and many more.

World Day of Migrants and Refugees

World Day of Migrants and Refugees

The Church has been celebrating the World Day of Migrants and Refugees since 1914. It is always an occasion to express concern for many different vulnerable people on the move; to pray for the challenges and increase awareness about the opportunities that migration offers.

The Amazon: our Common Home

The Amazon: our Common Home

Please join us for “The Amazon: our Common Home”, a compelling event series that brings the Amazon to Rome for the bishops’ synod on the Amazon. Across eight countries with approximately 400 indigenous communities and millions of people, the Amazon is a place where the Creator’s glory is revealed.

JPIC Continental Meeting– Europe

JPIC Continental Meeting– Europe

“Living Franciscan humanism in today’s European context: Go and repair my house” was the topic of the VII Continental Meeting of JPIC European Animators.

In the retreat house “Porziuncola” in Malta, there was the meeting of 25 brothers working for the animation of the values of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) in the European continent. The meeting started with the celebration of the Eucharist, presided by Br. Richard Stanley Grech, OFM, Provincial Minister of the Province of St. Paul in Malta.

Franciscan Call 4 Peace

Franciscan Call 4 Peace

We hope that we can count on your support to help carry this initiative, to have your bell(s), … ring in your towers, belfries, carillon, churches, communities, institutions – a call or another sign – on Friday 4 October 2019 at 14.00 hrs. to give a hopeful sign of prayer, peace and reconciliation among all people of goodwill throughout the world.

India: Solidarity walk – for the cause of migrants

India: Solidarity walk – for the cause of migrants

Almost more than half a million migrant workers, who live in and around the city of Chennai, are unskilled workers. Migrants who come to the city of Chennai are typically at the receiving end of misplaced bias, such as loud, sexually open, dirty and so on. In workplaces, migrant labor is often deprived of the most necessary and essential of amenities such as a clean toilet, drinking water, and a place to rest. It is perhaps not news that migrants are taken for granted and the accounts show that there is a long way to go before migration with dignity is achieved.

México, Franciscan Camps

México, Franciscan Camps

The aim of these camps is to lead young people to an encounter with God through Sister-Mother Earth, by means of Franciscan spirituality and the values of JPIC. To achieve this the young people are brought into an environment which promotes more direct contact with nature and for this reason the site for the camp is carefully selected.

JPIC Office in El Salvador

JPIC Office in El Salvador

The Franciscan Province, “Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe” of Central America, Panama and the Foundation of “La Santa Cruz” in Haiti, has the JPIC Commission in the Province, which consists of a friar appointed for animation and coordination in each region of the actions of JPIC, together with the Franciscan Family. The Province has an evangelization project that includes four points for JPIC animation. They are, firstly, JPIC in initial and ongoing formation (formation program), secondly, JPIC in each evangelization settings (parish, rectory), thirdly, JPIC in the schools of the Province, and fourthly, JPIC office in each country. Even if there are JPIC teams of the Franciscan Family in some states of Central America, it’s essential to have an office in each state.

The Season of Creation 2019

The Season of Creation 2019

From September 1 to October 4, Christians around the world celebrate the Season of Creation. Some of us pray, some of us do hands-on projects, some of us advocate.