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We deeply regret and at the same time denounce that in the last days we have been victims of acts of violence, reflecting religious intolerance, racism, oppressive attitudes, affecting especially the indigenous peoples: a refusal to build new paths for the renewal of our Church.

UISG Conducts Seminar on the Mining Activity on the Planet

UISG Conducts Seminar on the Mining Activity on the Planet

A three-day JPIC Seminar on the negative impacts of extractive industry and the response of the Catholic organizations was convened by the JPIC Office of the UISG (International Union of Superiors General) at the Casa La Salle in Rome on September 25 – 27. May have joined on behalf of their religious and secular organizations to share experiences and propose joint actions to the dangerous threats of mining companies.

Voices from the Amazon: its land, peoples, and religions

Voices from the Amazon: its land, peoples, and religions

The Order (through its JPIC Office), together with the Pontifical University Antonianum, The World Catholic Movement for Climate (WCMC), and the Ecclesial Network “Red Eclesial Panamazonica” (REAPAM), put together a seminar of reflection and listening. The intention is to contribute to the synodal process, by raising the various issues that affect the entire Amazon region.

Laudato si’ Pilgrimage Icon of Francis and Clare finally arrived in Asia.

Laudato si’ Pilgrimage Icon of Francis and Clare finally arrived in Asia.

The OFM East Asia Conference JPIC Animator and member of the JPIC Animation Committee of the Order, Br. Angelito Andig Cortez, OFM, received the Icon of Francis and Clare for the Laudato si’ Pilgrimage, on September 30, 2019, in the General Curia, Rome. It was a turnover by the JPIC General Animator, Friar Jaime Campos, OFM, and witnessed by the General Definitor for Asia and Oceania, Br. Lino Gregorio Redoblado, OFM. After visiting 18 countries in Latin America, the icon will now go on Pilgrimage to the different countries and OFM entities in Asia.

The Feast of St. Francis in the Vatican Gardens

The Feast of St. Francis in the Vatican Gardens

Pope Francis will host a celebration in the Vatican Gardens during which an oak tree from Assisi will be planted, as a visible sign of integral ecology. The event will see the participation of indigenous leaders and Church leaders, sending a powerful message to the world about the Church’s commitment to the care of our common home.

Listen to the Cry of the Amazon

Listen to the Cry of the Amazon

It is good to remember that St. Francis himself sent his friars out “two by two” recommending that they announce peace and penance (cf. 1Cel 29). This confirms the missionary dimension of our charism that urges us to go forth towards our brothers and sisters of the whole world, coming to them in a unique way, preaching with our form of life and action in favour of reconciliation, peace, justice and respect for creation (cf. GGCC 1:2). This challenges us today more than ever in the context of the climate crisis and the migratory crisis in which we live, and the Church invites us not to be indifferent.

Having a break at the meeting JPIC Camp for youth and friars in Naples

Having a break at the meeting JPIC Camp for youth and friars in Naples

Alex, three years old, lives in a gypsy camp in Giugliano in Campania, a few kilometers from Naples. Since May, water and electricity have been cut off, forcing him and the other 400 people in the camp to live in a situation of extreme poverty and marginalization. According to their stories, the institutions would refuse to recognize their presence. And there have been attempts to clear the field against their will. There have been solidarity and support for them. People like Br. Enrico, who choose to dedicate themselves to those who were in need and bring some relief into their lives, so stressful and tiring.

Nesakkaram Celebrates the 800th Anniversary of  St. Francis Meeting the Sultan

Nesakkaram Celebrates the 800th Anniversary of St. Francis Meeting the Sultan

Nesakkaram-SEEDS, a Franciscan NGO serving in Chennai celebrated on 21 September 2019 the 800th anniversary of St. Francis meeting the Sultan. Nesakkaram which celebrates the “Women Cultural Fest’’ annually thought it fitting to remember this year the great historical event of St. Francis meeting the Sultan and thus spread the flavor of peace and dialogue among the people of various religions.

Mediterranean, peace frontier and a database

Mediterranean, peace frontier and a database

A year ago, prompted by the social and cultural situation that was spreading throughout Italy and in much of the West, the Franciscans felt called to question in a concrete manner those signs of fraternity characteristic of our Order. To this end, the idea of establishing a “Franciscan Network of the Mediterranean” has matured. As Friars Minor we strongly feel the responsibility and urgency to trigger processes shared fraternally between peoples and cultures that face the Mare Nostrum