+39 06 684919 pax@ofm.org
Serata Laudato si’, Brazil 2020

Serata Laudato si’, Brazil 2020

More than 700 young people from all over the Province (from Santa Catarina to Espírito Santo) will experience great excitement in this evangelising, formative celebration. Numerous workshops will deal with themes related to the service of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC). The goal is that they may be characterised by issues of ecology, justice, migration, respect for nature, good living and simplicity. These values are particular to the Franciscan charism and so urgent and necessary for our times.

Laudato si’: a rap with purpose

Laudato si’: a rap with purpose

Rap music always has something to say to listeners. A youth group of Inmaculado Corazón de María parish in Guatemala has chosen this format to spread the messages of the Encyclical Laudato si’. A song entitled Laudato si’ was born out of the project, Viico, rap crítico (critical rap). The song was composed by Br. Antonio Pedro and Br. Victor Treminio, who played harmonica, guitar and Cajon drum.

Br. Michael Perry: Challenges of JPIC for the Order of Friars Minor Today

Br. Michael Perry: Challenges of JPIC for the Order of Friars Minor Today

It is a great joy and honor for me to share with you today some thoughts on the challenges that friars of the Order, indeed, all Christians, face as we struggle to come to terms with the conditions of what it means to be disciples of Jesus Christ, members of the Church, of the human community, and bearers of the joy of the Gospel

The International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking 2020 (IDPHT)

The International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking 2020 (IDPHT)

The IDPHT was first celebrated on the 8th. February 2015 at the desire of Pope Francis, who in 2014, requested the International Union of Superiors and of Superiors General (UISG / USG) to promote this day. The Secretary of State, responding to requests made by religious, who had been working for years to combat trafficking, gave approval to organizations that for years have celebrated Anti-Trafficking Day on this date.

Franciscan Activities for Climate in Chile

Franciscan Activities for Climate in Chile

The objectives of the activities were formation & conscientization on climate crisis for local Franciscans and others, taking acts of solidarity for climate justice, a projection for future action and celebration of the spirit of Laudato si’.

The Word was made flesh

The Word was made flesh

We wish Merry Christmas to all of you! We hope each of you rejoice in Peace, which is the fruit of Justice. We want to thank you all who are pursuing and promoting the values of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, especially, those who are working for migrants and refugees in the world. We all are pilgrims and strangers in this world!

Participation in COP25, Madrid

Participation in COP25, Madrid

The UN Climate Conference (Cop25) that began on Dec. 2 ended on Dec. 15, which was two days longer than its original schedule. The JPIC Commission of the Holy Korean Martyrs Province of Korea has participated along with its ally NGOs.

Statement on the situation in Nicaragua

Statement on the situation in Nicaragua

Thereby, we make appeal to the government of President Daniel Ortega to establish peace and the good of every one of the people without any discrimination, as it is the mission of a political leader. Let repression, impunity, violence cease, freedom, justice, and solidarity come, respect for life dawn, and forgiveness and open dialogue flourish.

St. Francis patron of ecologists: fortieth anniversary celebration

St. Francis patron of ecologists: fortieth anniversary celebration

In celebrating the 40th anniversary of St. Francis, patron of ecologists, the JPIC Office of the Order wanted to commemorate this date in a symbolic place for Franciscan spirituality: St. Damian’s Church in Assisi. In this small church on the outskirts of Assisi, St. Francis confronts his vocation with Christ and begins to do penance. In this same place, two years before his death, he composes the Canticle of Creatures where he synthesizes his strong human commitment to all creation to praise God.