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New Member of the JPIC Animation Committee

New Member of the JPIC Animation Committee

Recently, the General Definitory approved Br. Francesco Zecca, OFM from the Assumption B.V.M Province (Italy) as a new member of the Animation Committee of the JPIC General Office.

JPIC International Course suspended for this year

JPIC International Course suspended for this year

I want to communicate with you about the Annual JPIC Course 2020, which was scheduled for this May in Manila. As the Corona epidemic has been spreading in almost all the world, the JPIC General Office was deeply concerned that our international gathering in the Philippines could risk the wellbeing of all the participants. Therefore, having consulted the General Definitory, the Office made a difficult decision to cancel the JPIC course for this year. We’re sad about the decision.

March 22 – World Water Day

March 22 – World Water Day

In the time of the pandemic, we remember the importance of washing our hands for public health. But we know that there are more than 2.2 billion people who don’t have access to clean water. They are denied from water, the gift of God, that is the fundamental right of humanity.

Climate Crisis and Coronavirus

Climate Crisis and Coronavirus

We are now facing unprecedented challenges with the spread of COVID19. The argument has been made that climate change has had a significant impact on the development of infectious viruses such as Coronavirus.

Presentation of a book, “Todo Está Conectado. Integral Ecology and Communication in the Digital Age.”

Presentation of a book, “Todo Está Conectado. Integral Ecology and Communication in the Digital Age.”

“Todo está conectado (Everything is Connected).” It is the title of the book by prof. Martín Cabajo Nuñez, OFM, presented on February 27 in the Aula Magna of the Alphonsian Academy. Prof. Jules Mimeault, C.Ss.R., Vice-Principal of the Academy, recognized that this title expresses not only a theme that is a recent trend but also a commitment that makes us think about ecological issues.

Conference for Human Rights in West Papua

Conference for Human Rights in West Papua

West Papua Network in Rome is a network of the religious congregations which are present in West Papua. There, the native Papuans have been suffering from serious human rights violations since the end of the Second World War. The Catholic church has been accompanying the indigenous people mainly through the parish, education, and health care ministries.