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From the friary of St. Francis to a Covid 19 Hospital in Tortona

From the friary of St. Francis to a Covid 19 Hospital in Tortona

Friar Andrea Dovio, a 44 year old priest, serving as Secretary to the Provincial Minister at the Portiuncola in Assisi one day made an extraordinary request to his superior. He asked to go and serve in the fight against the novel Coronavirus in the hotbed of the epidemic in the very north of Italy.



The Order held a high-level online consultation on the Order’s response and learnings from the global COVID19 crisis. Attendees include the General Minister, Br. Michael Perry, and representatives from Missionszentrale der Franziskaner, Franciscans International, Franciscan Mediterranean Network, Franciscan Network on Migration (RFM) and representatives of the JPIC Office.

World Earth Day

World Earth Day

We hope you’re doing o.k. at this difficult time for people everywhere. Today is World Earth Day, and we want to invite you to join in celebrating our common home while you’re confined to your own home. Will you and the people you’re in contact with rise to the challenge of “Planting hope and harvesting joy”?

Agenda of JPIC-Media for 2020

Agenda of JPIC-Media for 2020

The socio-environmental crisis described in the encyclical Laudato Si’ is a challenge for humanity to restructure its ways of relating to God, to the brothers and to creation, through an ecological spirituality, which begins with the insight into the whole creation as free gift from the Creator and its interconnectedness.