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A virtual meeting was held by members of the Animation Committee of the General Office for JPIC on 24-27 June 2024. Present at this meeting were Br. Daniel Rodriguez Blanco OFM, Br. Francesco Zecca OFM, Br. Taucen Hotlan Girsang OFM, Sr. Mary Wangare Sebastian LSSJ, and Mr. Tómas Insua.

On 24th, the agenda of the meeting included the regular program and several projects of the JPIC General Office outlined in the specific items: the stipulation of the General Office Structure, active participation in Integral Ecology projects, the International JPIC Course, Franciscan Network for Migrants in the Americas, Franciscan Network of the Mediterranean, Franciscan Network for Peace and Integral Ecology in Asia, the collaboration with experts or specialists, synergy with the General Secretariats for Formation and Study as well as with the Secretary for Mission and Evangelization, and, finally, the promotion of JPIC through the media.

After welcoming him, Tomás Insua was given the opportunity to introduce himself and share about the projects of the Laudato Si’ Movement.

After a break on June 25, the agenda was resumed on June 26 to share on how to celebrate the Centenary of the Canticle of the Creatures in 2025. Many ideas and proposals came up related to art, pilgrimage to Assisi, Serata Laudato Si’, formation of JPIC Animators, JPIC congress, Laudato Si’ course and animation, etc. The question to be answered is how to celebrate together, as Franciscans, this momentous anniversary?

The following day, on the 27th, members of the JPIC Animation Committee addressed in their meeting the Franciscan Networks (America, Mediterranean, Asia), the initiatives regarding the Season of Creation 2024, and the candidates for new members of the Committee.

The next face-to-face meeting of the Animation Committee, December 8-14, 2024, will include the new members.


Br. Taucen Girsang