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‘Biscuit for Myanmar’

‘Biscuit for Myanmar’

We Korean OFM JPIC committee held an Open Dialogue on fundraising for ‘Biscuit for Myanmar’ (Emergency Food Assistance for Myanmar refugees) from 16:00 to 18:00 on July 14 at San Damiano cafe, with KOCO (Korean Solidarity for Overseas Community Organization) as a co-organizer.

JPIC, Franciscans International and the United Nations in an effort to realize a more just, fraternal and reconciliatory world

JPIC, Franciscans International and the United Nations in an effort to realize a more just, fraternal and reconciliatory world

From 26-29 June 2023, Br. Taucen Girsang and Br. Daniel Rodriguez Blanco from JPIC Office in Rome were in Geneva to participate in different sessions of the 53rd General Assembly of the United Nations (UN).

The Office of JPIC FRANCISCAN PAPUA involves defending Human Rights of Papuans in Indonesia

The Office of JPIC FRANCISCAN PAPUA involves defending Human Rights of Papuans in Indonesia

The Second Special Autonomy and the New Autonomous Region (DOB) were enacted by Indonesian government as new policy for West Papua, Indonesia, throughout 2022. These were drawn attention from other parties because that policy created more divisions in the middle of pro and contra, including how to establish where will be the administrative capital city.