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Statement on the situation in Nicaragua

Statement on the situation in Nicaragua

Thereby, we make appeal to the government of President Daniel Ortega to establish peace and the good of every one of the people without any discrimination, as it is the mission of a political leader. Let repression, impunity, violence cease, freedom, justice, and solidarity come, respect for life dawn, and forgiveness and open dialogue flourish.

“Chile’s waken up.” … “We are not at war.”

“Chile’s waken up.” … “We are not at war.”

“Chile’s waken up” is an anthem we have sung in the demonstrations. We sing it to tell the government, the politicians, the businessmen and all those who have allowed social inequalities that enough is enough. The social awakening is happening in various forms of demonstration, both peaceful and violent, and protests on the street and in the different churches and spiritual traditions on the days of reflection and prayer (although they are not visible by the mass media). “Chile’s waken up” is an expression of each and every citizen in the country, calling for a structural, profound transformation that would allow us to overcome injustices. But it is also no less true that if we want to ask for changes in the economic model, we must also do so in our lifestyle which is shaped by that same model, lacking fundamental human values ​​such as equality, justice and equity. We should bring changes in a competitive, selfish, individualistic and consumerist lifestyle, changes to a collaborative lifestyle of solidarity. This movement means waking up to get out of oneself by opening to a more fraternal (serving each other) social coexistence.

Pilgrimage to Damietta for the Franciscan Spirit of Dialogue

Pilgrimage to Damietta for the Franciscan Spirit of Dialogue

Throughout the pilgrimage, all the participants have prayed for the genuine Peace in the world, keeping in mind the fact that today’s world needs the interreligious and intercultural dialogue and that our vocation lies in the fraternal attitude of openness that shines through in the life of Jesus Christ and St. Francis.

Nesakkaram Celebrates the 800th Anniversary of  St. Francis Meeting the Sultan

Nesakkaram Celebrates the 800th Anniversary of St. Francis Meeting the Sultan

Nesakkaram-SEEDS, a Franciscan NGO serving in Chennai celebrated on 21 September 2019 the 800th anniversary of St. Francis meeting the Sultan. Nesakkaram which celebrates the “Women Cultural Fest’’ annually thought it fitting to remember this year the great historical event of St. Francis meeting the Sultan and thus spread the flavor of peace and dialogue among the people of various religions.