+39 06 684919 pax@ofm.org
Fr. Juan Rendón: Spirituality of the Crib

Fr. Juan Rendón: Spirituality of the Crib

That Jesus whom Francis wished to see with his own eyes on Christmas night 1223 in the little remote town of Greccio. The Jesus of the First Admonition who is made flesh in Bethlehem and becomes bread on the altar through the hands of the priest.

Christmas celebrations in the spirit of JPIC

Christmas celebrations in the spirit of JPIC

From the JPIC Office of the Franciscan Order we send warm greetings of peace and renew our commitment to the values of justice, peace and the care for our common home for 2021. At the same time we want to share and invite you to participate in our Christmas activities 2020

The Word was made flesh

The Word was made flesh

We wish Merry Christmas to all of you! We hope each of you rejoice in Peace, which is the fruit of Justice. We want to thank you all who are pursuing and promoting the values of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, especially, those who are working for migrants and refugees in the world. We all are pilgrims and strangers in this world!