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Visit of the General Secretariat of Mission and Evangelization and the JPIC General Office to the Province of Saint Michael the Archangel of Indonesia

Visit of the General Secretariat of Mission and Evangelization and the JPIC General Office to the Province of Saint Michael the Archangel of Indonesia

The Secretariat for Mission and Evangelization, Br. Francisco Gómez and Br. Denis Tayo, together with the General Office for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC), Br. Daniel Rodríguez Blanco and Br. Taucen Girsang, visited the Franciscan Province of Saint Michael the Archangel of Indonesia during the week of the Octave of Easter from 1-6 April 2024.

Meeting of the Animation Offices of Spain and Portugal (CONFRES)

Meeting of the Animation Offices of Spain and Portugal (CONFRES)

From December 4 to 5, 2023, in the fraternity of Montariol, situated in the city of Braga, Portugal, a meeting of the offices of animation from the four Provinces that make up the (CONFRES) Conference took place. It was organized by the Secretary General for Missions & Evangelization, the Secretary General for Formation & Studies, and the animators of the JPIC offices, in collaboration with the President of the Conference of Spain and Portugal, Br. Joaquín Zurera, and the responsible Definitor General, Br. Cesare Vaiani.

Parish Ministry and Helping Migrants

Parish Ministry and Helping Migrants

A short visit to Custody of St. Anthony of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei, from 22-25 October 2023, was done by Br. Taucen, OFM on behalf of JPIC OFM in Rome. The aims were to share with the friars regarding JPIC’s activities and matters, to listen to their experiences due to the JPIC animation plan, and to look forward on ongoing formation program for JPIC animators.