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Christmas celebrations in the spirit of JPIC

Christmas celebrations in the spirit of JPIC

From the JPIC Office of the Franciscan Order we send warm greetings of peace and renew our commitment to the values of justice, peace and the care for our common home for 2021. At the same time we want to share and invite you to participate in our Christmas activities 2020

Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day

We are blessed and privilege that as a Franciscan family we have a voice in the United Nation through the Franciscans International. The core business of Franciscans International is human rights advocacy.



The Order held a high-level online consultation on the Order’s response and learnings from the global COVID19 crisis. Attendees include the General Minister, Br. Michael Perry, and representatives from Missionszentrale der Franziskaner, Franciscans International, Franciscan Mediterranean Network, Franciscan Network on Migration (RFM) and representatives of the JPIC Office.

March against Human Trafficking

March against Human Trafficking

There were two significant events held in Rome. Talitha Kum organized a prayer vigil on February 8 in the Basilica of San Antonio (Antonianum) and a public march on the next day from “Castel Sant’Angelo” to St. Peter’s Square. The participants in the parade also attended the Sunday “Angelus” after the march. Pope Francis announced human trafficking as “a true plague that exploits the weakest.” And he said that therefore requires “the commitment of all: educational institutions, associations, and agencies.”

Franciscan Mediterranean Network

Franciscan Mediterranean Network

It took place in a very fraternal atmosphere. It was essential to specify the objectives and decisions made at the meeting in Malta on September 6 – 8, 2019, which was the meeting of the Secretaries of Evangelization and the JPIC animators that came from almost every Entities around the Mediterranean sea to reflect on the possibility of creating this significant Network.

The Word was made flesh

The Word was made flesh

We wish Merry Christmas to all of you! We hope each of you rejoice in Peace, which is the fruit of Justice. We want to thank you all who are pursuing and promoting the values of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, especially, those who are working for migrants and refugees in the world. We all are pilgrims and strangers in this world!

Mediterranean, peace frontier and a database

Mediterranean, peace frontier and a database

A year ago, prompted by the social and cultural situation that was spreading throughout Italy and in much of the West, the Franciscans felt called to question in a concrete manner those signs of fraternity characteristic of our Order. To this end, the idea of establishing a “Franciscan Network of the Mediterranean” has matured. As Friars Minor we strongly feel the responsibility and urgency to trigger processes shared fraternally between peoples and cultures that face the Mare Nostrum

World Day of Migrants and Refugees

World Day of Migrants and Refugees

The Church has been celebrating the World Day of Migrants and Refugees since 1914. It is always an occasion to express concern for many different vulnerable people on the move; to pray for the challenges and increase awareness about the opportunities that migration offers.