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Migration: Catholic organizations discuss “Cartagena +40”

Migration: Catholic organizations discuss “Cartagena +40”

As part of the fortieth anniversary of the signing of the “Cartagena Declaration” (1984), one of the most important legal instruments of recent decades in terms of protection and solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Embassy of Chile to the Holy See has organized a conference to give a voice to refugees and displaced people. On Tuesday the 2nd July 2024, at the Palace of San Calixto, together with several Catholic organizations, such as the Jesuit Refugee Service and Caritas International, they addressed the challenges of the migratory context and formulated recommendations for governments in the development of the Action Plan of Chile 2024-2034.

“A sea of brotherhood. The Franciscans for a new humanism of the Mediterranean”. Chapter of the Mats in Taranto, Italy

“A sea of brotherhood. The Franciscans for a new humanism of the Mediterranean”. Chapter of the Mats in Taranto, Italy

From Friday the 14th to Sunday the 16th June 2024 the Chapter of the Mats was held in Taranto, entitled “A sea of fraternity. The Franciscans for a new humanism of the Mediterranean”, in which friars, Poor Clares and lay people belonging to the Franciscan family participated.

The first meeting of the  Franciscan family that serves migrants and refugees in the Mediterranean begins

The first meeting of the Franciscan family that serves migrants and refugees in the Mediterranean begins

Brothers and sisters of the Franciscan family and special guests from Spain, Italy, Turkey, France, Morocco, Greece and representatives of Franciscans International in Geneva gathered in the city of Marrakech, Morocco, to participate in the first Franciscan meeting of service to migrant and refugee population in the Mediterranean.