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JPIC, Franciscans International and the United Nations in an effort to realize a more just, fraternal and reconciliatory world

JPIC, Franciscans International and the United Nations in an effort to realize a more just, fraternal and reconciliatory world

From 26-29 June 2023, Br. Taucen Girsang and Br. Daniel Rodriguez Blanco from JPIC Office in Rome were in Geneva to participate in different sessions of the 53rd General Assembly of the United Nations (UN).

Croatia: South Slavic Conference. Meeting of Secretaries for Formation and Studies, Missions and Evangelisation and JPIC Animators

Croatia: South Slavic Conference. Meeting of Secretaries for Formation and Studies, Missions and Evangelisation and JPIC Animators

From 26-28 April 2023, in the Friary of St Mary of the Angels on the island of Visovac in Croatia, the Secretary General for Missions and Evangelisation, the Secretary General for Formation and Studies and the General Office for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, in collaboration with the President of the Conference, Br Marko Mrše, and in the presence of the General Definitor responsible for this Conference, Br Konrad Cholewa, organised the meeting of all the respective offices of the Provinces of this Conference.