+39 06 684919 pax@ofm.org
A Laudato si’ “Revolution”

A Laudato si’ “Revolution”

The third meeting of Serata Laudato si’ took place together with the seventh celebration of the Franciscan Youth Missions in the city of Xaxim. It was promoted by the Franciscan Province of the Immaculate Conception of Brazil, bringing 800 young people together for five days to reflect on the care of our Common Home (from 29th January to 2nd February 2020).

Climate Movement of the Franciscans in Korea

Climate Movement of the Franciscans in Korea

The JPIC Commission of the Province of the Holy Korean Martyrs took part in Global Catholic Climate Movement Korea (GCCM Korea). In the case of South Korea, there are more than thirty Catholic organizations, dioceses, and three hundred Catholics that take part in GCCM Korea, and it’s ever-expanding with other Catholic institutions in Korea.

Franciscan Mediterranean Network

Franciscan Mediterranean Network

It took place in a very fraternal atmosphere. It was essential to specify the objectives and decisions made at the meeting in Malta on September 6 – 8, 2019, which was the meeting of the Secretaries of Evangelization and the JPIC animators that came from almost every Entities around the Mediterranean sea to reflect on the possibility of creating this significant Network.

Laudato si’: a rap with purpose

Laudato si’: a rap with purpose

Rap music always has something to say to listeners. A youth group of Inmaculado Corazón de María parish in Guatemala has chosen this format to spread the messages of the Encyclical Laudato si’. A song entitled Laudato si’ was born out of the project, Viico, rap crítico (critical rap). The song was composed by Br. Antonio Pedro and Br. Victor Treminio, who played harmonica, guitar and Cajon drum.

Franciscan Activities for Climate in Chile

Franciscan Activities for Climate in Chile

The objectives of the activities were formation & conscientization on climate crisis for local Franciscans and others, taking acts of solidarity for climate justice, a projection for future action and celebration of the spirit of Laudato si’.

St. Francis patron of ecologists: fortieth anniversary celebration

St. Francis patron of ecologists: fortieth anniversary celebration

In celebrating the 40th anniversary of St. Francis, patron of ecologists, the JPIC Office of the Order wanted to commemorate this date in a symbolic place for Franciscan spirituality: St. Damian’s Church in Assisi. In this small church on the outskirts of Assisi, St. Francis confronts his vocation with Christ and begins to do penance. In this same place, two years before his death, he composes the Canticle of Creatures where he synthesizes his strong human commitment to all creation to praise God.

‘Eliminating single-use of plastic.’

‘Eliminating single-use of plastic.’

OFM Myanmar Foundation has been actively participating in GCCM-Myanmar (Global Catholic Climate Movement) since 2017. We consider this as coordinated with the JPIC office that we serve for the common good, showing our Franciscan identity and promoting Franciscan spirituality among the people. Our main activities are organizing an Earth Hour celebration, symposium, training workshop on ‘Deep Journey into Laudato si’’ and day trip outreach program.

Climate Pilgrimage to Myanmar

Climate Pilgrimage to Myanmar

It was the first climate pilgrimage prepared by the OFM JPIC Commission of the Korean Province, Green Asia, and ICE-Network since last year. The global climate crisis is already happening in the world. It’s evident when we look at wildfires in forests and droughts. And the poor and the vulnerable are crying out for immediate action for justice. However, there is no consensus in Korea on the issue. The Korean governments and the people are either ignorant or neglecting this global problem. People are struggling to survive in a fierce competition to acquire more economic prosperity rather than to feel the responsibility for the disasters, even though they are responsible for massive carbon emission and the climate crisis.