+39 06 684919 pax@ofm.org
Franciscan Ecological Village

Franciscan Ecological Village

Participate in a period of formation from January 19 to 21, including a conference at the Catholic University Santa Maria La Antigua, a retreat and workshops. After, you will be helping us during WYD to spread the Laudato si’Message through the Franciscan Ecovillage, at the Laudato si’ concert and around the whole city.

A Fraternal Pilgrimage in Syria

A Fraternal Pilgrimage in Syria

It was the extraordinary experience of grace, with warm hospitality from the Syrian friars both in Aleppo and in Damascus. We brought to those communities a cross which was a gift from the friars of La Verna and a stone taken from the spot of stigmatization with the hope that their wounds could be transformed into wounds of salvation.

Mexico, Season of Creation

Mexico, Season of Creation

Ecological marches were performed where the streets and community green spaces were swept away. Some marches in schools and convents also included the program of greening their gardens, etc. In other fraternities, there were workshops on recycling, herbal and traditional medicine, homemade water filters, organic compost for gardening. As a result, the novitiate house decided to grow vegetables in an organic way. Some sessions of special reflection on the care of our Common Home were organized for children, youth and adults in the parishes of the indigenous people. There were also held ecological conferences in some other communities. They organized programs on the encyclical Laudato si’which they broadcast on the radio in the town.

JPIC Office’s website

JPIC Office’s website

We are so happy to share that the OFM JPIC website is available for all the animators of the Order and all those who walk with us in commitment to live and promote in daily life the values of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. We wish to promote greater...
Paraguay, Season of Creation

Paraguay, Season of Creation

Every year, from 1 September to 4 October, Christians from all over the world celebrate the “Season of Creation.” This initiative began in 1989 and is recognized by the ecumenical family in general. The “Season of Creation” wants to represent a call to people to...
Philippines, Season of Creation

Philippines, Season of Creation

In the Philippines, Season of Creation is an inter-congregational and inter-NGO project that upholds the importance of our common home. The church people are one with all sectors of society in the fight for climate justice. Ecological Justice Inter-Faith Movement...
Hong Kong, Season of Creation

Hong Kong, Season of Creation

As a response to Laudato si, we built a stable in St Bonaventure College by reusable materials with the help of Legion of Mary last Christmas.