+39 06 684919 pax@ofm.org
Looking for concrete ways

Looking for concrete ways

The final document of the 2018 PCO will be useless if it remains only on the web page of the Order or in the friary library. I invite you to read it, but above all to find concrete ways of putting it into practice, especially the topics that have a direct relationship with our mission as animators of the values ​​of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation.

Good politics is at the service of peace

Good politics is at the service of peace

Message of his holiness pope Francis for the celebration of the 52nd world day of peace. “Politics is an essential means of building human community and institutions, but when political life is not seen as a form of service to society as a whole, it can become a means of oppression, marginalization and even destruction…”

Puppetry project: “evangelization for peace”

Puppetry project: “evangelization for peace”

The educational strategy for approaching children was the creation, writing, staging and presentation of a puppet play in which each group of students represented a problematic situation of their concrete reality and proposed solutions based on the culture of peace and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

Franciscan Participation in COP24 (3/3)

Franciscan Participation in COP24 (3/3)

In the last few issues, we’ve already published about the Climate Change and COP24. Although a small number of scientists, multinational entrepreneurs, and conservative politicians deny this global phenomenon, climate change is affecting our lives to the point where...
Human rights Pastoral in the Amazon

Human rights Pastoral in the Amazon

I have been welcomed and well accepted into the service. So, immediately, when the Vicariate Assembly was about to finish (with nearly all the missionaries and some laypersons from the different sites of mission), I got ready to assume the task once the Bishop mainstreamed the issue in the Assembly, and right away I delivered a written survey to each of the participantes inquiring what and how they wanted the Human Rights Pastoral.