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Care of the environment, ecumenical and interreligious dialogue.

Care of the environment, ecumenical and interreligious dialogue.

We believe that the care for the environment must be transversal and must involve all people, along with politics, religion and economy. As we celebrate the 800th anniversary of the encounter of St. Francis with Sultan Malik al-Kamil (1219), the JPIC Course 2019 takes into account the ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, because we are convinced that the solution has to come from everyone.

New Member of the Animation Committee

New Member of the Animation Committee

The General Minister together with the General Definitory recently appointed a new member of its Animation Committee. Br. Angelito Andig Cortez, OFM. He belongs to the Province of San Pedro Bautista in the Philippines. Having made the solemn profession in 2015, he has been deeply involved in the various JPIC ministries leading many international as well as regional campaigns.

A New Member of the JPIC Animation Committee

A New Member of the JPIC Animation Committee

Recently, the General Definitory approved Br. Jacek Orzechowski, OFM from the Holy Name Province (USA) as a new member of the Animation Committee of the JPIC General Office. Born in Poland, Br. Jacek has been ministering for the past 16 years in multicultural parishes with many immigrants predominantly from Latin America and Africa. Currently, brother Jacek manages the Parish Community Organizing and Advocacy efforts of the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington. Over the years, he has been a passionate preacher, teacher, and advocate for justice, peace, and care for our Common Home.

Together against Human Trafficking

Together against Human Trafficking

The IDPHT was first celebrated on the 8th. February 2015 at the desire of Pope Francis, who in 2014, requested the International Union of Superiors and of Superiors General (UISG / USG) to promote this day. The Secretary of State, responding to requests made by religious, who had been working for years to combat trafficking, gave approval to organizations that for years have celebrated Anti-Trafficking Day on this date.

Answering Pope Francis’ ecological conversion challenge

Answering Pope Francis’ ecological conversion challenge

PANAMA CITY – Just before World Youth Day begins, youth, Franciscan brothers, intellectuals and politicians gathered at the Third International Congress of the Care of Creation: Ecological Conversion of Action at the University of Santa Maria La Antigua. At the...
WYD 2019: Bringing Laudato si’ to the world

WYD 2019: Bringing Laudato si’ to the world

Laudato si’ will be celebrated in three zones: Parque Omar, Colegio Internacional Maria Inmaculada and various Youth Festival stages. Through these exhibitions, pilgrims will be encouraged to commit to living Laudato si’ and start conversations on ecological conversion to recognise God in creation in their own countries.

Peaceful Resistance “La Puya”

Peaceful Resistance “La Puya”

For several years, the local people have been engaged in a process of training, information, and awareness about the effects of mining, and so on March 4th, 2012, they began a blockade of the entrance gate to the mine. They settled in 24 hour shifts in groups to guard, block the entrance, and not allow the mine to be operated, which to them is illegal and lethal. 

JPIC Annual Course 2019

JPIC Annual Course 2019

The title of the course, “The Care of the Environment in the Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue” will be carried out in Italian with the simultaneous translation to Spanish and English. The general theme of the course will be the concept of “beauty” in the aesthetics of St. Bonaventure and the Spirit of Assisi for the Interreligious Dialogue. The course is scheduled from February 18 to 27 at Antonianum, Rome.