+39 06 684919 pax@ofm.org
Franciscans in Chile take part in  “Interreligious and Spiritual Alliance for Climate Agreement”

Franciscans in Chile take part in “Interreligious and Spiritual Alliance for Climate Agreement”

The objective of this Alliance, as expressed in the agreement, is to promote a systemic, cultural and spiritual change that should be translated into economic and political transformations in the face of the current climate crisis. By doing so, the adherent 21 organizations have expressed their willingness to put themselves at the service of the community and facilitate links that can generate public-political influence from their respective identities.

JPIC National Assembly in Bolivia

JPIC National Assembly in Bolivia

The 35th National Assembly of the Franciscan Movement of Justice and Peace was held at San José de Tarata Convent, near the city of Cochabamba. The Meeting brought together 52 people from the JPIC departments of La Paz, Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro, Trinidad, Potosí and Tarija. The theme of the Meeting was “Faith and Politics,” given the upcoming presidential elections that will take place in Bolivia this October.

Contact Newsletter: April-June, 2019

Contact Newsletter: April-June, 2019

We leave at your disposal the recent edition of JPIC Newsletter “CONTACT” (April – June 2019) The “CONTACT” is an open space where you can share stories and information on your JPIC ministry. You can send your stories to pax@ofm.org  The next...
Corpus Christi: The Eucharist is the transformation of all creation

Corpus Christi: The Eucharist is the transformation of all creation

Starting from this perspective it is good that we ask ourselves about our Eucharistic celebrations, our participation in the Eucharist, our ability to adore the Divine Mystery present in the Eucharist. But starting from this perspective it is good that we also ask ourselves about our relationship with life, with the world, with creation and with all creatures, which in the Eucharist begin to experience the deification movement that began with the Easter event the Paschal mystery of Jesus Christ?

Ecological life in Mozambique: Let’s Protect Our Common Home!

Ecological life in Mozambique: Let’s Protect Our Common Home!

On the occasion of World Environment Day, June 5, the friars participated in some activities to mark the day. In the formation house in Chimoio City, the friars and the students participated in an environmental campaign to plant trees. The ceremony was held in one of the primary schools around the city.

The Devastating Effect of the Militarization of the Border in Tabasco, Mexico.

The Devastating Effect of the Militarization of the Border in Tabasco, Mexico.

On May 27, days before Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard traveled to Washington to begin negotiations with the United States regarding the tariff threat, the Assistant Secretary for Border Affairs, Migrants and Human Rights of Tabasco, José Ramiro López Obrador, announced the deployment of 100 agents of Federal Police and 100 troops of the SEDENA (Secretariat for National Defense) in Tenosique to “reinforce the tasks of the National Migration Institute.” The Federal Police had already been operating for 17 days in Tenosique at the time of the announcement.

Ecological Experience in Umbria

Ecological Experience in Umbria

In conclusion to this wonderful experience of friendship and dialogue, I must say, first of all, that I have witnessed what Laudato si’tells us about our faith and science, i.e. we should also relate our faith with science. Secondly, Carceri and Sacro Bosco are a part of our rich Franciscan heritages. St. Francis and his followers were very much in communion with nature and made it home of encounter with God. For us Franciscans, we can develop here a project of Franciscan ecological spirituality and ministry. We can utilize the sacred sites in nature for our formation in Franciscan ecological spirituality and for visitors and pilgrims as well. With the various species of plants, trees, shrubs, and herbs, rock formations, landscapes, and the whole ecosystem, it will be a venue for scientific studies and its integration with our faith, awe, and spiritual aesthetics.

Meeting of the JPIC Animation Committee 2019

Meeting of the JPIC Animation Committee 2019

The JPIC Animation Committee of the Order of Friars Minor gathered in Jericho from June 10 to 14, 2019, soon after the International Council for JPIC in Jerusalem. The Animation Committee had a very good dialogue with the JPIC Commission of the Custody of the Holy Land headed by Br. Giorgio Vigna, OFM. The encounter between the two highlighted the works of the brothers in the Holy Land working for JPIC, especially with their ministry of presence and dialogue. The JPIC General Animator expressed his gratitude for the recently concluded International Council in Jerusalem with all the organization and logistical preparations that the Custody did for the friars. After which the four members of the Animation Committee were accompanied by Br. Mario H’dchity, OFM to proceed to Jericho for their meeting.

The Amazon Project: “A Church with Both an Amazonian and Native Face”

The Amazon Project: “A Church with Both an Amazonian and Native Face”

The Synod for the Amazons is a reflection on these problems that currently represent the life of the Church. There have been many meetings around these themes, hopefully producing more than just documents that diagnose this region. This Synod is provoking new paths, new models of evangelization for facing the challenges of mission, especially in the Amazon region.