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On 17-23 October 2024, a meeting was held by a relatively small group of JPIC animators from Franciscan Conferences in Asia and Oceana (FCAO) involving the General Office for JPIC, the Secretary General for Mission and Evangelization, Franciscans International, Franciscan religious and secular representatives from Asia in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah-East Malaysia.


The aims was to follow-up on the resolution of the FCAO Meeting (April 2024) in Manila that the JPIC Animators should initiate a Franciscan Network for Peace and Integral Ecology in Asia.


The gathering was hosted by Br. Cosmas Francis OFM, JPIC Animator of the Custody Saint Antony Padua of Singapore-Malaysia/Brunei and Sis. Marina OFS, the national minister of OFS in Malaysia, and attended by brothers from the South Asia and Oceana Conference (SAAOC) such as Br. Fridus Derong OFM, Br. Augustine Lurdu OFM, Br. Alexandro Rangga OFM, as well as from East Asia Conference (EAC) namely Br. Augustine Seng Mung Aung OFM and Br. Fernando Radin Jr OFM including Br. Taucen Girsang OFM, Br. Dennis Tayo OFM, Sr. Mary Cing Hau Vung FMM and Br. Blair Matheson TSSF.


On 18 October Br. Cosmas welcomed the participants, followed by Br. Taucen who read out the agenda. Then, Br. Lino Gregorius OFM, the president of the EAC, joined virtually and opened the meeting by saying: We are a sleeping giant. We should wake up and do something together and should focus on certain issues in our region such as conflicts and environmental exploitation. That is about peace and taking care of mother earth.

In the spirit of synodality, the meeting continued with reports from SAAOC and EAC on current JPIC activities in Asia, and a presentation from Br. Dennis Tayo on how to collaborate as a Network in Asia as a movement and mission, as well as a presentation from Br. Taucen on how this Network servers as a coordinative platform among the friars and Franciscan family in Asia.


On 19th October, the participants entered into group discussions and were asked to discern which JPIC issues to be taken up as priority projects in Asia and how to respond to those issues as there are several issues around the region such as conflicts, civil wars, environmental exploitation, disasters, poverty, migrants, displaced persons, human rights violations, mining, land grabbing, discrimination, and others.


Furthermore, on Sunday, 20 October, the participants visited the mari-mari cultural village indigenous community in Bolotikon Papar the aim of learning the current reality of caring for mother earth. During the visit and dialogue with indigenous peoples, it was clear that indigenous peoples and their communities are at the frontlines of protecting forests, rivers and lands, and replanting trees.


The next day, 21 October, Br. Derrick OFM, president of the SAAO Conference, participated in the meeting. In his intervention, he highlighted that Franciscan collaboration should be rooted in God himself as the core and that Franciscan spirituality should share that experience with others. He emphasised that a network can be a medium for the three offices, JPIC-Mission and Evangelization-Formation and Study for having mutual supports and connection to create an synergy.


Then, each group presented the results of their discussion in a plenary. In the plenary, all agreed that the Franciscan Network in Asia will focus on two issues: peacewith a focus on peace promotion, dialogue, advocacy; and integral ecology integral, with concern for awareness, community building, partnerships.


In the afternoon session, Br. Massimo Fusareli OFM, Minister General, and Br. John Wong OFM, Definitor General for Asia, joined for a moment in the meeting virtually. In his speech, Br. Massimo appreciated the JPIC activities in Asia for being more advanced and active. He also reminded the JPIC animators and all participants that the Franciscan Network as a platform of collaboration among the Franciscans (religious and lay) is very important today. However, it is essential to remember that collaboration in the JPIC field must be linked to the Franciscan identity, its mission and evangelization. That JPIC office is not the same with NGO. Rather, JPIC activities are ways to bring God’s salvation and his good news to the people. At the same time, Br. John Wong encouraged the friars and the Franciscan family and thanked the JPIC Animators for taking further steps to implement the resolution of FCAO meeting in Manila.


On 22 October, the participants started the meeting with the following questions: what is our vision and mission for the Franciscan Network in Asia? What are our goals? Do we have enough resources? How can we implement the projects? Who will be responsible? To answer these questions, the participants shared their ideas, initiatives, experiences, prospects, based on observations, theories, methodologies, and so on.

Finally, all participants agreed on three objectives of the Franciscan Network in Asia, for Peace and Integral Ecology:


  1. 1. To promote and encourage new initiatives in works related to seeking peace with others and all creation so that the Franciscan charism as peacemakers and defenders of natural rights can be realized in action through the entities of the Order of the Friars Minor and the communities of the Franciscan family in Asia.
  2. 2. To build collaboration among the Franciscan brothers and sisters (religious and lay) of JPIC Animators in Asia and to help familiarize themselves with processes and activities relevant to peacebuilding and nonviolence as well as caring for mother earth through reflections, animations, studies, workshops and trainings, field observations and emergency response.
  3. 3. To seek, embrace, and develop the opportunities for dialogue with other beliefs and cultures in Asia by grounding in the spirit of Assisi.


The meeting concluded with the creation of a coordination structure for the Network, upcoming activities and budget, followed by dinner and recreation with SFO members in Sabah, East Malaysia.


Br. Taucen Girsang