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On behalf of Franciscans International and its International Board of Directors (IBD) I am pleased to present the annual report of our work in defense of the rights and dignity of all and care for creation” (Br. Michael Perry, OFM)

Dear sisters and brothers, dear friends,

It is a pleasure to share with you our 2023 Annual Report. As you know, the past year has been one of transformation for Franciscans International, with a change in Executive Director and the launch of a new regional program in Europe. However, throughout this, we remained focused on the essence of our work: bringing the voices of Franciscans and the marginalized communities they represent to the United Nations.

In this report, you will meet some of the Franciscans and other grassroots partners that we work with in Africa, the Americas, and Asia-Pacific. You will also find the important achievements we made together in our mission to promote human dignity and protect our common home. More generally, our Annual Report offers insight into the persistent human rights issues that Franciscans have brought to the United Nations and that deserve our long-term attention and commitment.

I warmly invite you to share this report with your communities and other networks, and I hope that we can continue to build on your support for our common ministry.
With fraternal greetings,

Blair Matheson TSSF
Executive Director